My logcat gives me this message whenever I load an image in my application.
04-09 19:09:59.241: W/ImageLoader(276):
Try to initialize ImageLoader which had already been initialized before.
To re-init ImageLoader with new configuration call ImageLoader.destroy() at first.
I do not understand why. Here is my code:
//If save on disk setting is false, do not save on disk. else, save on disk.
if (dataReturned =="false"){
defaultOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
defaultOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(getApplicationContext())
ImageLoader.getInstance().init(config); // Do it on Application start
This is someone else with the same problem, but it did not help me Fix a warning of ImageLoader : "Try to initialize ImageLoader which had already been initialized before" since I do only initialize the ImageLoader onCreate, only once. While he initialized it over and over again.
I'm assuming you have it on a Activity.
if you are going to put it in there, you would have to call ImageLoader.destroy on onDestroy like this:
protected void onDestroy() {
You could put the initialization in your Application Class something like this:
YourApplication extends Application {
protected void onCreate() {
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(getApplicationContext())