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dynamic highchart config in angular ui grid with angular js using pablojim's highcharts ng

my code (on the controller) to create an angular ui-grid -

function getData() {
    $scope.myData = [];
    $scope.columnDefs = [];
    $scope.gridOptions = {
         data: 'myData',
         useExternalSorting: true,
         columnDefs: 'columnDefs',
    valuesService.getValues().success(function (data) {
        $scope.columnDefs = getColumnDefs(data.DataColumns);
        $scope.myData = data.Data;
        if (!$scope.$$phase) $scope.$apply();
    }).error(function (error) {
        $scope.status = 'Unable to load customer data: ' + error.message;

function getColumnDefs(columns) {
   var columnDefs = new Array();
   for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
          field: columns[i].Name,
          displayName: columns[i].Caption,
          width: columns[i].Width,
          hasChart: columns[i].HasChart,
          cellTemplate: "ui-grid-cell-template.html"

    return columnDefs;

So in my controller i call the getData() function which will populate the grid with the gridOptions and create columnDefs array

As you see in the columnDefs i am using cellTemplate in the grid And this is how my ui-grid-cell-template.html looks like -

<div ng-if="isChartColumn(col)"> //This works
    <div class="ngCellText column-chart-style">
        <highchart id="chart2" 
        config="{{getColumnChartConfig(col.colIndex())}}"></highchart>   //this does not work

So my grid shows data columns and one of the column has a chart, which needs to read the config dynamically from controller's $scope object. This dynamic chart config object is to be supplied by getColumnChartConfig method on controller's scope which looks something like this in its simplest form -

//This function is not getting called
$scope.getColumnChartConfig = function (rowId) {
        return someChartConfigObject;

Can you please let me know whether this is the correct way to accomplish what i am trying to and if it is then why is the getColumnChartConfig method not getting called from my grid's cellTemplate? Is there any other approach to do this?

Thanks in advance.


  • Don't use interpolation {{}} directive with config attribute And You inner div function should specifically point to the parent as you used ng-if, as it creates new child scope from current running scope. so you need to explicitly point to parent scope using $parent keyword


    <highchart id="chart2" config="$parent.getColumnChartConfig(col.colIndex())">