my router.js (i'm using iron-router):
PostsListController = RouteController.extend({
template: 'postsList',
increment: 4,
postsLimit: function() {
return parseInt(this.params.postsLimit) || this.increment;
findOptions: function() {
return {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: this.postsLimit()};
subscriptions: function() {
this.postsSub = Meteor.subscribe('posts', this.findOptions());
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({}, this.findOptions());
data: function() {
var hasMore = this.posts().count() === this.postsLimit();
var nextPath = this.route.path({postsLimit: this.postsLimit() + this.increment});
return {
posts: this.posts(),
ready: this.postsSub.ready,
nextPath: hasMore ? nextPath : null
NewsController = PostsListController.extend({
template: 'newsTemplate',
increment: 2,
limit: function() {
return parseInt(this.params.postsLimit) || this.increment;
findOptions: function() {
return {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: this.postsLimit()};
subscriptions: function() {
this.postsSub = Meteor.subscribe('posts', this.findOptions());
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({postType:'Новости'}, this.findOptions());
data: function() {
var hasMore = this.posts().count() === this.postsLimit();
var nextPath = this.route.path({postsLimit: this.postsLimit() + this.increment});
return {
posts: this.posts(),
ready: this.postsSub.ready,
nextPath: hasMore ? nextPath : null
Router.route('/news/:postsLimit?', {
name: 'newsTemplate',
controller: NewsController
Router.route('/:postsLimit?', {
name: 'postsList'
My template(same as index template, differ only in names):
<template name="newsTemplate">
<div class="container main">
<div class="row">
{{#each posts}}
{{> newsItem}}
<div class="col-md-12">
{{#if nextPath}}
<div class="row">
<a class="load-more" href="{{nextPath}}" style="color: black;font-size: 1.3em;"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Load more</button></a>
{{#unless ready}}
{{> spinner}}
On index page(using PostsListController) it working good, but on url http://localhost:3000/news(using NewsController) :
On url http://localhost:3000/news/2 (or news/1,3 etc.):
What's the problem? Why button not working on http://localhost:3000/news ?
In your NewsController, you've changed the name of the postsLimit function to limit:
limit: function() {
return parseInt(this.params.postsLimit) || this.increment;
But in your data function, you're still referring to this.postsLimit():
data: function() {
var hasMore = this.posts().count() === this.postsLimit();
var nextPath = this.route.path({postsLimit: this.postsLimit() + this.increment});
return {
posts: this.posts(),
ready: this.postsSub.ready,
nextPath: hasMore ? nextPath : null
Change your limit function to newsLimit to make it more clear, and then change the data function to use this.newsLimit().