I've wanted to create an app on my Android phone to tell me the weather each morning for a while now and have found many, many sites that tell you how to do it, but none of them really made it easy to edit their tasks - there was no real documentation. Also, some had links to download the tasks or profiles, but they were either dead links or given as-is with no explanation.
So I've done just that.
I've also just created another (and maybe an even nicer) one using the Wunderground API. (You'll need to get your free API key here: www.wunderground.com/weather/api/ and insert it in the code below where it says "Insert-API-Key-HERE" on line 281)
SUPER easy to get a key from wunderground! Sign up for a free account (they don't bug you). - LINK! (full disclosure: if you use that link, I get "raindrops" from wunderground)
This time around I'm getting the JSON instead of the XML from the site.
ALSO: ADDED BONUS! I'm now using geo-location, rather than a hard-coded city.
Tasker uses XML to import/export though, so here it is... XML:
Code moved to JSFiddle - the XML is 28,000 odd characters and then adding explanation, it brings it up to arounf 47,000 or so (that's what the error said anyway, and Stackoverflow only takes up to 30,000 characters in the answer windows.
So to take it, copy the code from the HTML window. and read the instruction in the CSS window, and ignore the output window
Code begins and ends with:
<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="4.6u3m">
Let me know if you need an explanation of the actions.