I started using the new API of Odoo v8.0 but I cannot find useful information about store trigger in computed fields like this (for v7.0 and v6.1): Store Parameter in Odoo v6
In Odoo v8.0, I tried to use the same syntax of v7.0 but I couldn't get it to work because the JSON response cannot be returned back to the web client:
<function _store_trigger> is not JSON serializable.
I read then that store parameter had been converted to Boolean only field (no dict for triggers): Odoo store function: JSON not serializable
So how can I set trigger to store values in database for computed (and related) fields? I want to make filters and groups mainly for them so search function
won't be useful.
In V8, you can use any fields as computed fields. In V8 store is a parameter which is a boolean and by default it is false.
If you set explicitly "store=True", the dependent field you mentioned in @api.depends('name'), will acts as a triggering field.
You can specify, the other object field as a triggering field which will be must in accounting module like @api.depends('other_object.field_name')
upper = fields.Char(compute='_compute_upper', store=True)
def _compute_upper(self):
for rec in self:
self.upper = self.name.upper() if self.name else False
If it "false", then the value is not stored in database and will be computed everytime.
upper = fields.Char(compute='_compute_upper')