I have a view in a Notes application, the documents in this view have a date field.
In my xpages I need to display the view, but I only want to show the documents where the date in the date field is after todays date.
I have tried to use @Today as a selection or column formula in the view but can't use this as my webpage is then very slow.
How can I accomplish this without getting major lag on my webpage
The fastest solution in this case is to use a full text search. I've found it quite responsive, even if I still prefer view indices. For dynamic dates however, searches are better.
I have a simple example on my blog https://www.bleedyellow.com/blogs/DominoHerald/entry/simple_example_xpage_search?lang=en_us and Patrick Kwinten commented with some more.
The search would be something like:
[DateField]>=15/02/2006 or [DateField] > @Today
@Today in a column or view selection is constantly updating - since it is based on the current exact time - and that updates every second (or faster).
If you are dealing with non-dynamic data, what I have found quite effective is to run an agent that looks at the date, determines it's in the future, and flags it so. Then have a view with just those documents flagged. That way you get the advantages of a view. I love views.
Cheers, Brian