Hi i am trying to insert a List<User> usrList
list of object to mongodb using mongodb morphia. I have searched but didn't get anything how to do it. Please help.
This is my user pojo class.
public class User {
ObjectId id;
private String name;
private String rollno;
public String name() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String rollno() {
return rollno;
public void setRollno(String rollno) {
this.rollno = rollno;
public ObjectId getId() {
return id;
public void setId(ObjectId id) {
this.id = id;
this is main class which call servic to save the list of user object.
public static void main(String[]args){
ApplicationContext context =new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
MongoPersistenceService persistenceService = (MongoPersistenceService) context.getBean("persistenceService");
List<User> userLst = new ArrayList<User>();
User user2 = new User();
user2.setId(new ObjectId());
And this is my service method which i want to use .
private Datastore ds;
private AdvancedDatastore ads;
public void addOrUpdateObject(List<?> objLst) {
You don't need to explicitly insert anything in Morphia.
Simply add all elements to your list in Java and save the whole entity with Morphia.
Update: Entities need a no-args constructor for Morphia to persist them. Add
public User(){