I am trying to build a modelview matrix for a project using OpenTK's Matrix4 class. I am trying to build a translation matrix, but the matrix keeps setting random values.
Here is a screenshot of the console:
And here is the code im using to build it:
private static Matrix4 CreateModelview(Rectangle dst)
var scale = Matrix4.CreateScale(dst.Size.X, dst.Size.Y, 1.0f);
var translation = new Matrix4();
translation[0, 0] = 1f;
translation[1, 1] = 1f;
translation[2, 2] = 1f;
translation[3, 3] = 1f;
translation[3, 0] = dst.Position.X;
translation[3, 1] = dst.Position.Y;
translation[0, 3] = 0f;
translation[1, 3] = 0f;
var modelview = scale * translation;
return modelview;
I tried the build in static function Matrix4f.CreateTranslation with the same result.
I just solved it myself, it was a combination of me flipping rows and columns and uploading it wrong to my uniform buffer.