On my local host machine, everything's perfect, but on production server, I cannot override the front default page, that is the custom index.
elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('index', 'system', 'custom_index', 0);
function custom_index($hook, $type, $return, $params) {
if ($return == true) {
// another hook has already replaced the front page
return $return;
if (!include_once("/pages/rev_index.php")) {
return false;
// return true to signify that we have handled the front page
return true;
I only get reffered to http://domain-name.com/activity instead of http://domain-name.com/
You may have problem with default paths configuration on your server. It's safer to use absolute path, ie. include_once(__DIR__ . "/pages/rev_index.php")