I am having an issue with webmocks stubbing.
This is a Rails 4 application using devise/cancan for Authentication and Authorisation. I am using RSpec to write my tests.
I have a (simplified for the cause of this post!) test that I'd like to run.
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe ApiChecksController, type: :controller do
include Devise::TestHelpers
let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create :user }
let(:api_params) do
param_1: 'VALUE',
param_2: '1980-01-01',
param_3: 'AA123',
param_4: "#{Date.today}"
context 'logged in as standard user' do
describe 'POST #lookup' do
context 'displays error' do
it 'when 500 returned' do
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: 'codeclimate.com')
sign_in user
stub_request(:post, "#{ENV['API_PROXY']}/api/checks").
to_return(status: [500, "Internal Server Error"])
post(:lookup, api_check: api_params)
expect(response.status).to eq(500)
In the full test suite everything above the expect statement is set using lets or set in before blocks. I tried to distil it down to the smallest options and the test is still failing.
I was expecting
stub_request(:post, "#{ENV['API_PROXY']}/api/checks").
to_return(status: [500, "Internal Server Error"])
to always return a 500 status response, but it is returning 200.
Were my expectations correct? Is this how webmocks should be called?
you need to add the query params to the stub_request
method, you can change it to be like this
stub_request(:post, "#{ENV['API_PROXY']}/api/checks")
.with(query: {api_check: api_params})
.to_return(status: [500, "Internal Server Error"])