I found this example PHP source code at HTTP POST from PHP, without cURL
I need some help modifying the example PHP source to support XML DOM for manipulating a REST API.
I thought that if I update the CASE statement for the XML section below from
$r = simplexml_load_string($res);
$r = new DOMDocument();
that it would work but it doesn't. :(
Any help would be appreciated.
function rest_helper($url, $params = null, $verb = 'GET', $format = 'xml')
$cparams = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => $verb,
'ignore_errors' => true
if ($params !== null) {
$params = http_build_query($params);
if ($verb == 'POST') {
$cparams['http']['content'] = $params;
} else {
$url .= '?' . $params;
$context = stream_context_create($cparams);
$fp = fopen($url, 'rb', false, $context);
if (!$fp) {
$res = false;
} else {
// If you're trying to troubleshoot problems, try uncommenting the
// next two lines; it will show you the HTTP response headers across
// all the redirects:
// $meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
// var_dump($meta['wrapper_data']);
$res = stream_get_contents($fp);
if ($res === false) {
throw new Exception("$verb $url failed: $php_errormsg");
switch ($format) {
case 'json':
$r = json_decode($res);
if ($r === null) {
throw new Exception("failed to decode $res as json");
return $r;
case 'xml':
$r = simplexml_load_string($res);
if ($r === null) {
throw new Exception("failed to decode $res as xml");
return $r;
return $res;
The correct form is:
$r = new DOMDocument();
See the documentation for DOMDocument::loadXML The DOMDocument::load()
method loads from a file.