I know that global variables are not the best for good programs, but for the purpose of this short programming task I am using them. I want to update a tkinter scale widget inside of a function that is called by a thread or by the binding of a key. When I try to use the scale.set(value) method in either of those functions though, python interprets it as an 'int' for some reason.
In this case there is no problem:
w = tk.Scale(master=frame, from_=50, to=0)
w.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=W+N+E+S)
def test(x):
global w
But when I try to use the scale instance in a function called by a bound key it gives me this error,
(File "TestingRoverMap.py", line 161, in test
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'set')
when the following code is run:
w = tk.Scale(master=frame, from_=50, to=0)
w.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=W+N+E+S)
def upKey(event):
global w
The upKey function is called when you press the up directional key on the keyboard and that code is omitted because I am sure it works perfectly.
Can anyone give me some pointers? I am so lost with this because I've never encountered anything quite like it before.
Turns out that I was reusing 'w' as a value later on in my code so that re-casted the value and gave me the attribute error. This question is solved.
Thank you to James Kent for helping me with this!