I'm using a DockLayoutPanel for my application. It worked great when I just had widgets in the North, West, and East. When I added one to the South, though, it didn't wind up where I expected - it's more center than south.
private DockLayoutPanel mainPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.EM);
mainPanel.addNorth(topPanel, 15);
mainPanel.addWest(resultsGrid, 65);
mainPanel.addEast(wcFlexTable, 35);
mainPanel.addSouth(pager, 10);
// Associate the Main panel with the HTML host page.
It is rendered as below - you can see the Pager element, not where I expect it.
It turned out that the problem was that I added the South element after East and West. By moving it to before East and West, everything displays as expected.