I have two license xml files: a-license.xml
and b-license.xml
. The format of both the license files is same. I want to merge them into a single file.
Sample Input:
File a-license.xml contains
File b-license.xml contains
Desired output should be something like
I want to extract <license>
tag from a-license.xml
and append it below the <license>
tag of b-license.xml
How can I do this?
sed -n '1,/<license>/{/<license>/d;p;}' a-license.xml > new-license.xml
sed -n '/<license>/,/<\/license>/p' a-license.xml >> new-license.xml
sed -n '/<license>/,/<\/company-license>/p' b-license.xml >> new-license.xml
or shorter:
sed -n '1,/<\/license>/p' a-license.xml > new-license.xml
sed -n '/<license>/,$p' b-license.xml >> new-license.xml
Output to file new-license.xml: