Search code examples

How to search for a specific kind of qt gui control

I have a QWidget that contains a QGroupBox, which contains QComboBox, QLineEdit and QCheckBox.

I need to go around all the controls, and if the control is a QCheckBox, ask if it is checked or not. I need to know how all the QCheckBox are checked - the idea could be something like this:

count = 0
for control in groupbox.controls():
    if control is type of QtGui.QCheckBox:
        if control.isChecked:
            count = count + 1
            print('no checked')
        print('no QtGui.QCheckBox')
print ('there are '+ str(count)+ 'checked')


  • If the checkboxes are all children of the groupbox, then you can try this:

    count = 0
    for checkbox in groupbox.findChildren(QtGui.QCheckBox):
        if checkbox.isChecked():
            count += 1
    print('there are %s checked' % count)

    The checkboxes will be children of the groupbox if they were created like this:

    checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox('Title', groupbox)