I am deploying an Django app to Stackato. Everything works fine except static files. According to the documentation, here is my setting in .yml file:
web: $STACKATO_UWSGI --static-map /static=$HOME/static
And here is my local setting.py:
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "static"),
Also, here is my project structure
Project -- .....
static -- css
-- images
I did not see any error from the log. Any idea?
Just figured it out:
1.While settings.DEBUG is set to True, static url pattern has to be included:
from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()
2.Static files should follow this structure:
Project -- <app 'Project'> -- settings.py
| |
| -- urls.py
| |
| -- wsgi.py
-- <app 'somename'> -- ..
-- static -- <app 'somename'> -- css - a.css
-- images - a.jpg
should not be the actual location of static directory, which could be as this: Project/Project/static
has to be the actual static files directory which is Project/somename app/static
Reference: https://github.com/mozilla/mozmoderator