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Rails render partial with block

I'm trying to re-use an html component that i've written that provides panel styling. Something like:

  <div class="v-panel">
    <div class="v-panel-tr"></div>
    <h3>Some Title</h3>
    <div class="v-panel-c">
      .. content goes here
    <div class="v-panel-b"><div class="v-panel-br"></div><div class="v-panel-bl"></div></div>

So I see that render takes a block. I figured then I could do something like this:

# /shared/_panel.html.erb
<div class="v-panel">
  <div class="v-panel-tr"></div>
  <h3><%= title %></h3>
  <div class="v-panel-c">
    <%= yield %>
  <div class="v-panel-b"><div class="v-panel-br"></div><div class="v-panel-bl"></div></div>

And I want to do something like:

#some html view
<%= render :partial => '/shared/panel', :locals =>{:title => "Some Title"} do %>
  <p>Here is some content to be rendered inside the panel</p>
<% end %>

Unfortunately this doesn't work with this error:

ActionView::TemplateError (/Users/bradrobertson/Repos/VeloUltralite/source/trunk/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb:1: , unexpected tRPAREN

old_output_buffer = output_buffer;;@output_buffer = '';  __in_erb_template=true ; @output_buffer.concat(( render :partial => '/shared/panel', :locals => {:title => "Welcome"} do ).to_s)
on line #1 of app/views/sessions/new.html.erb:
1: <%= render :partial => '/shared/panel', :locals => {:title => "Welcome"} do -%>

So it doesn't like the = obviously with a block, but if I remove it, then it just doesn't output anything.

Does anyone know how to do what I'm trying to achieve here? I'd like to re-use this panel html in many places on my site.


  • While both of those answers above work (well the example that tony links to anyway) I ended up finding the most succinct answer in that above post (comment by Kornelis Sietsma)

    I guess render :layout does exactly what I was looking for:

    # Some View
    <%= render :layout => '/shared/panel', :locals => {:title => 'some title'} do %>
      <p>Here is some content</p>
    <% end %>

    combined with:

    # /shared/_panel.html.erb
    <div class="v-panel">
      <div class="v-panel-tr"></div>
      <h3><%= title -%></h3>
      <div class="v-panel-c">
        <%= yield %>