In vNEXT, what happens to the bundling support via ScriptBundle
and StyleBundle
My understanding is that bower, grunt & co. will completely replace that mechanism?
Are there examples on how to do that? What I've found is a nice intro by Scott Allen on Pluralsight, but nothing else.
From this conversation on GitHub it seems that there will be a choice.
In general we're moving away from runtime minification and are trying to follow what the current client side ecosystem is trending towards, grunt/gulp/bower etc. When we play in that world we get the benefits of the ecosystem for free without having to rebuild all of the extensibility ourselves.
That said, it is a choice thing and we'll be pushing people down that path, but libraries like SquishIt will always be around and will likely support ASP.NET as well as ASP.NET vnext.
- David Fowl, Microsoft
So, in summary Microsoft are pushing people in the Grunt (etc.) direction, and it will be the preferred route, but not the only route. It won't "replace [the StyleBundle/ScriptBundle] mechanism" but give you additional choice. However, it does seem (reading between the lines) that StyleBundle/ScriptBundle may not be (as) actively developed any more - as they are Microsoft technologies. But if you want the same kind of functionality then it make make sense to move to a framework like SquishIt.