I have a CLOB field in my Oracle Database that store TEXT data in the following format:
I'm using TOAD and while I am creating the query I can read the CLOB field with the following:
--- To read the CLOB field.
select DBMS_LOB.substr(ADD_INFO_MASTER) from USER
This select return me the CLOB field HUMAN READABLE.
My question is: Is there any way to extract the one single value like ACCOUNT value from the line above? Keep in mind that this CLOB field can variate and the __17__ACCOUNT= will not be in the same place every time. I need a way to extract to locate the ;;__17__ACCOUNT= (this will be a pattern) and extract the the value 37004968.
It is possible to achieve this while performing a query in TOAD?
If you want to deal with CLOB values larger than 4000 symbols length (Oracle 11g) or 32K length (Oracle 12c) then you must use DBMS_LOB
This package contains instr()
and substr()
functions which operates on LOBs.
In your case query looks like that:
with prm as (
select '__17__ACCOUNT' as fld_start from dual
-- length of substring
-- position of delimiter found after start of desired field
dbms_lob.instr(text, ';;', dbms_lob.instr(text, prm.fld_start))
-- position of the field description plus it's length
( dbms_lob.instr(text, prm.fld_start) + length(fld_start) + 1 )
-- start position of substring
dbms_lob.instr(text,prm.fld_start) + length(fld_start) + 1
Query above uses this setup:
create table text_table(text clob);
insert into text_table(text) values (
For everyday use with development tools it may be useful to define a function which returns value of field with desired name and use it instead of writing complicated expressions each time.
E.g. :
create or replace function get_field_from_text(
pi_text in clob,
pi_field_name in varchar2
) return varchar2 deterministic parallel_enable
v_start_pos binary_integer;
v_field_start varchar2(4000);
v_field_value varchar2(32767);
if( (pi_text is null) or (pi_field_name is null) ) then
return null;
end if;
v_field_start := pi_field_name || '=';
v_start_pos := dbms_lob.instr(pi_text, v_field_start);
if(v_start_pos is null) then
return null;
end if;
v_start_pos := v_start_pos + length(v_field_start);
v_field_value := dbms_lob.substr(
(dbms_lob.instr(pi_text, ';;', v_start_pos) - v_start_pos),
return v_field_value;
select get_field_from_text(text,'__17__OUTPUT_DEVICE_46') from text_table