I have an existing dataframe which I need to add an additional column to which will contain the same value for every row.
Existing df:
Date, Open, High, Low, Close
01-01-2015, 565, 600, 400, 450
New df:
Name, Date, Open, High, Low, Close
abc, 01-01-2015, 565, 600, 400, 450
I know how to append an existing series / dataframe column. But this is a different situation, because all I need is to add the 'Name' column and set every row to the same value, in this case 'abc'.
will add the new column and set all rows to that value:
In [79]:
Date, Open, High, Low, Close
0 01-01-2015, 565, 600, 400, 450
In [80]:
df['Name'] = 'abc'
Date, Open, High, Low, Close Name
0 01-01-2015, 565, 600, 400, 450 abc