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Oracle check data in sha512 encryption

I need to check data in sha512 encryption by Oracle query.

Example query:

SELECT * FROM text WHERE SHA512(id) = '$id'


  • Oracle provides DBMS_CRYPTO package to deal with encryption and hashes.

    You may incorporate SHA hash calculation and comparation with some string constant in the way like showed in this query:

    select *
    from text t
      lower(                           -- to guarantee same character case 
        rawtohex(                      -- convert hash to string representation  
          dbms_crypto.hash(            -- hash calculation function
            utl_raw.cast_to_raw(, -- need to convert a string before passing it to 
                                       -- function in parameter because otherwise 
                                       -- it casted to RAW directly with hextoraw().
            6                          -- dbms_crypto.HASH_SH512 - for Oracle 12c only 
      lower(                           -- to guarantee same character case   
        :some_id_sha2_const_parameter  -- parameter string to compare with

    Unfortunately, your can't handle SHA-512 hashes in Oracle 11g because of lack of support. But it's possible with Oracle 12c.

    DBMS_CRYPTO package in Oracle 11g
    DBMS_CRYPTO package in Oracle 12c

    There are still two things that you must take into account:

    1. Be sure that character sets of source strings are same because hash calculated on binary data.
    2. From performance point of view it's better to store precomputed hash values in the database in a column, index it, and compare external parameter with value stored in column.