Could not start uwsgi process via ini flag
uwsgi --ini file.ini
Not any uwsgi pids
ps aux | grep uwsgi
root 31605 0.0 0.3 5732 768 pts/0 S+ 06:46 0:00 grep uwsgi
chdir =/var/www/lvpp/site
wsgi-file =/var/www/lvpp/lvpp.wsgi
master = true
processes = 1
socket = /var/www/lvpp/lvpp.sock
pidfile= /var/www/lvpp/
daemonize =/var/www/lvpp/logs/lvpp.log
vacuum = true
uid = www
gid = www
file lvpp.log
*** Starting uWSGI 2.0.10 (32bit) on [Wed Apr 8 06:46:15 2015] ***
compiled with version: 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11) on 17 March 2015 21:29:09
os: Linux-2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Sep 9 20:14:52 UTC 2014
machine: i686
clock source: unix
pcre jit disabled
detected number of CPU cores: 1
current working directory: /var/www/lvpp
writing pidfile to /var/www/lvpp/
detected binary path: /var/www/lvpp/site/env/bin/uwsgi
setgid() to 503
setuid() to 501
chdir() to /var/www/lvpp/site/
your processes number limit is 1812
your memory page size is 4096 bytes
detected max file descriptor number: 1024
lock engine: pthread robust mutexes
thunder lock: disabled (you can enable it with --thunder-lock)
error removing unix socket, unlink(): Permission denied [core/socket.c line 198]
bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 230]
It worked early.
But when I invoked kill -9
I could not start uwsgi process again.
Why can't I start uwsgi process again?
The key is:
error removing unix socket, unlink(): Permission denied [core/socket.c line 198]
You (very probably) previously run a uwsgi instance as root creating the unix socket file with root permissions.
Now your instance (running instead as www) is not able to re-bind() that socket as it is not able to unlink it (no permissions)
Just remove the socket file and retry.