I have wordpress set up inside PHP Storm and I am trying to get it to show extra information in the pop-up intellisense.
If I go ctrl+shift+I I can see the comment is there correctly for function I am calling. If I go Ctrl + Q then I get the doc window appear with all info in.
But when I am typing function and hit the first parenthesis it just gives me the variable name and type from the declaration with no extra information.
Is this just how PHP Storm works and I have to Ctrl + Q every time for additional information or should I be able to see the extra info in the intellisense like you can in other IDE?
Is this just how PHP Storm works..
This way pressing Ctrl + Q will allow to see docs for element under caret.
Your only reasonable option right now is to make Quick Doc popup sticky so that it will still display old info. For that -- either click on "pin" icon or invoke Ctrl + Q once more.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-23913 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on progress (it is about showing more info about current parameter similarly to how Visual Studio does).