I wrote an installer using InnoSetup where user can make a multiple choice of which software they would like to download/install.
I am using a loop to install each software selected by the user silently like this
ShellExec('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\' + SoftwareName), '/VERYSILENT', '',
SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ErrorCode);
My question is concerning the second last parameter.
In my case where I am installing many silent installations, is there difference between using ewNoWait
where each of them return immediately or using ewWaitUntilTerminated
where they execute one after the other?
Which one would be more preferred, or safe, in my case?
Running many silent installations at the same time kind of worries me.
Some installers won't even run if another installation is running already.
So I would definitely use ewWaitUntilTerminated