Consider the lovely little HoleyMonoid library, which lets you build typed variadic printf-like functions as follows:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Control.Category
import Data.HoleyMonoid
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
foo =
now "hello "
. later id
. now ", you are "
. later show
. now " years old"
bar = run foo
-- > bar "alice" 42
-- "hello alice, you are 42 years old"
-- > bar 42 "alice"
-- type error
Is there any way to examine a container (a list, an AST, etc.) and build such a function based on its contents?
As a toy example, you can picture something like the following:
import Data.Monoid
adder = go where
go [] = now (Sum 0)
go (x:xs)
| x == 5 = now 100 . go xs
| otherwise = later id . go xs
-- hypothetical usage
-- > :t run adder [1, 3, 5]
-- Num a => Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a
-- > getSum $ run adder [1, 3, 5] 0 1
-- 101
fails the occurs check, but you can see what I'm shooting for. The problem seems to be that it's difficult to hold the state of the computation anywhere, as i.e. now 100
and later id
are at different types.
I'll ignore the HoleyMonoid library.
We need natural numbers:
data Nat = Z | S Nat
A singleton to lift them to the type level:
data Natty :: Nat -> * where
Zy :: Natty Z
Sy :: Natty n -> Natty (S n)
The type of lists of existentials:
data Listy (b :: a -> *) :: [a] -> * where
Nilly :: Listy b '[]
Consy :: b x -> Listy b xs -> Listy b (x ': xs)
Then with
type Natties = Listy Natty
We can define
adder :: Natties ns -> Adder ns
where ns :: [Nat]
. The Adder
type family is defined like this:
type family Adder (ns :: [Nat]) :: * where
Adder '[] = Int
Adder (n ': ns) = If (NatEq n (S (S (S (S (S Z)))))) Int (Int -> Adder ns)
I.e. fold a list of Nat
s, prepending (Int ->)
for each number in the list, until 5
(in a Nat
form) is encountered. It actually should be something like
if_then_else_ b x y = if b then x else y
type family Adder (ns :: [Nat]) :: * where
Adder '[] = Int
Adder (n ': ns) = 'if_then_else_ (n '== 'fromInt 5) Int (Int -> Adder ns)
but GHC throws at me some creepy errors, that I do not want to understand.
The NatEq
type family is defined in the obvious way:
type family NatEq n m :: Bool where
NatEq Z Z = True
NatEq Z (S m) = False
NatEq (S n) Z = False
NatEq (S n) (S m) = NatEq n m
We need to compare Natty
s at the value level. Two Natty
s are equal, iff they indexed by the same number (that's why Natty
is a singleton):
nattyEq :: Natty n -> Natty m -> Booly (NatEq n m)
nattyEq Zy Zy = Truly
nattyEq Zy (Sy m) = Falsy
nattyEq (Sy n) Zy = Falsy
nattyEq (Sy n) (Sy m) = nattyEq n m
Where Booly
is another singleton:
data Booly :: Bool -> * where
Truly :: Booly True
Falsy :: Booly False
Finally, the definition of adder
adder = go 0 where
go :: Int -> Natties ns -> Adder ns
go i Nilly = 0
go i (Consy n ns) = case nattyEq n (Sy (Sy (Sy (Sy (Sy Zy))))) of
Truly -> i + 100
Falsy -> \a -> go (i + a) ns
I.e. sum all arguments, until 5
(in a Natty
form) is encountered, and add 100
. If there is no 5
in the list, then return 0
list = Consy Zy $ Consy (Sy Zy) $ Consy (Sy (Sy (Sy (Sy (Sy Zy))))) $ Consy Zy $ Nilly
main = do
print $ adder (Consy Zy $ Consy (Sy Zy) $ Nilly) 3 9 -- 0
print $ adder list 6 8 -- 114
print $ adder (Consy (Sy (Sy Zy)) list) 1 2 3 -- 106
The code.