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WatchKit: How to animate Images stored in Nsmutablearray dynamically in objC

Here is my doubt !!!

How to run the gif image directly from nsmutablearray which i stored images dynamically by assigning it to Wkinterfaceimage ???

Currently i'm working on the GIf Images assigning to the wkinterfaceimage. I stored set of images in a Mutablearray in run time by converting a gif image. How to assign that array to wkinterfaceimage to show run gif image. i found couple of tutorials in swift tried to implement in OBJ C, Plz let me know ur ideas and code in Objective C

Here is my code

 [imageView setImage:[frames objectAtIndex:0]];

 [imageView startAnimatingWithImagesInRange:NSMakeRange(0,frames.count) duration:1 repeatCount:0];

using above code showing blank screen on similator, if commented second line showing 0 index image.

Results of Frames rate

 2015-04-08 10:21:53.206 WatchkitDemo WatchKit Extension[852:24553] {
     DelayTime = "0.1";
     UnclampedDelayTime = 0; }

Results of Frames array

2015-04-08 10:21:58.807 WatchkitDemo WatchKit Extension[852:24553] (
    "<UIImage: 0x7fe358d2d320>",
    "<UIImage: 0x7fe358f05d60>",
    "<UIImage: 0x7fe358f08230>",
    "<UIImage: 0x7fe358d2fd50>"


  • There is a way to convert gif image received from server into an array. I think Mayoff's UIImage Category can help you. I can give you an idea for what you can do:

    1) Receive gif with either of the methods defined in category:

    +[UIImage animatedImageWithAnimatedGIFData:(NSData *)data]
    +[UIImage animatedImageWithAnimatedGIFURL:(NSURL *)url]

    2) Go in the implementation file UIImage+animatedGIF.m. At line#89, method animatedImageWithAnimatedGIFImageSource has been implemented. A method createImagesAndDelays has been called there to create array of images. It is storing separated images in variable declared as CGImageRef images[count].

    You can make this variable an instance variable, or make static method return an array of splitted gif images.

    3) Convert those images in the format accepted by Wkinterfaceimage.

    Hope it helps :)