I'm reading the following tutorial: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/worklight/entry/android_combining_native_and_web_controls_in_cordova_based_applications?lang=en.
I'm trying to follow the tutorial and integrate it in my app with ReactJS. I created a plugin to call native and javascript code, my Cordova plugin is in HybirdBridge.java
and my javascript listener is in NativeEventListener.js
. My code can be found here: https://github.com/nguyengiangdev/HybridBridge
I have a search button in the action bar. When I click the search button I try to invoke the javascript event but it throws a Null Pointer Exception in the listenerCallbackContext
I don't know why? Can anyone help me with this?
You should check the MobileFirst Platform (formerly known as Worklight) Developer Center for more information on this topic.
The following link has various tutorials for Android, iOS and Windows Phone on how to add native functionality to hybrid applications.
Starting with Worklight 6.2 you can pass data back and forth between hybrid and native without creating your own Cordova plugin by using the following code:
Hybrid to Native
var data = { someproperty : 1234 };
WL.App.sendActionToNative("doSomething", data);
Hybrid to Native
WL.getInstance().addActionReceiver(new WLActionReceiver() {
void onActionReceived(String action, JSONObject data){
// process received action
Native to Hybrid
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("someProperty", 12345);
WL.getInstance().sendActionToJS("doSomething", data);
WL.App.addActionReceiver ("MyActionReceiverId", function(received) {
if (received.action === "doSomething"){
// handle the data received
For more information about this visit: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_7.0.0/com.ibm.worklight.dev.doc/devref/t_sending_actions_native_to_js.html
Other useful links:
Getting Started with IBM MobileFirst Platform:
IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation v7 Knowledge Center: