I have been working on an assignment which is pretty much done, and all I need to do is free the the double pointer allocated memory, but with the loop when I go through the loop it triggers a break point and seems to not clear it all I'm not sure whats triggering it. Context: the Create Data function is basically a function that returns a malloc.
int main(void){
int i;
static STUDENT** records;
static float averageTotal[SIZE];
records = calloc(3, sizeof(STUDENT*));
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
records[i] = createData();
menu(records, userinput, &averageTotal[0]);
int c;
for (c = 0; c < 3; c++){
return 0;
STUDENT* createData()
STUDENT* result;
result = malloc(3*sizeof(STUDENT*));
return result;
EDIT: added Menu for Context
void menu(STUDENT* records, int user_size, float* averageTotal[]){
int menuV = 0;
int userinput;
int i;
static int counter = 0;
printf(" **********************************\n");
printf(" * MENU *\n");
printf(" * 1. Add Student *\n");
printf(" * 2. Display all student records*\n");
printf(" * 3. Quit *\n");
printf(" **********************************\n");
scanf_s("%d%*[^\n]", &userinput); '\n' == getchar();
switch (userinput){
// switch statement with loops.
case 1:do
addStudent(records, &counter, user_size);
printf("Add another record? 1(y) 2(n)\n");
scanf_s("%d%*[^\n]", &userinput); '\n' == getchar();
} while (userinput == 1);
case 2:
displayStudent(records, user_size);
printf("Display again? 1(y) 2(n)\n");
scanf_s("%d%*[^\n]", &userinput); '\n' == getchar();
} while (userinput == 1);
case 3:
} while (menuV == 0);
Edit: added addStudent Function for Context
void addStudent(STUDENT* records[], int* counter, int user_size)
{ // A simple function that lets the user add values to the struct. The counter keeps track and changes the element.
printf("Student: %d", (*counter+1));
printf(" of 3\n");
printf("Enter name:\n");
fgets(records[*counter]->name, 40, stdin);
printf("Enter Exam 1 Score: \n");
scanf_s("%f", &records[*counter]->exam1);
printf("Enter Exam 2 Score: \n");
scanf_s("%f", &records[*counter]->exam2);
printf("Exam 1:%0.2f\n", records[*counter]->exam1);
printf("Exam 2:%0.2f\n", records[*counter]->exam2);
There's lots of things wrong here. You seem to have a weak grasp of pointers and dereference.
This line:
static STUDENT** records;
Creates a variable that's a pointer to a pointer to a datatype.
Ideally you should change the declaration to something that's idiomatic and easier to understand without thinking. Something like:
records = calloc(3, sizeof(*records));
In the function CreateData() you're assigning the members of records
to a pointer to 3 pointers.
This line:
result = malloc(3 * sizeof(*STUDENT));
Should read:
result = malloc(3 * sizeof(STUDENT));
. The seconds allocates memory for three times the length of the datatype STUDENT. (What you want).
Moving on --
Here is the declaration/definition of the function menu
void menu(STUDENT* records, int user_size, float* averageTotal[])
And here's how you've used it in your code:
menu(records, userinput, &averageTotal[0]);
the first parameter, records
, was defined as a pointer-to-pointer-to-STUDENT. But the definition of menu
expects only a pointer-to-STUDENT.
Looking at the rest of the code, it's the definition that's incorrect and not the function call.
Same function:
void menu(STUDENT* records, int user_size, float* averageTotal[])
expects a pointer-to-pointer-to-float for its third parameter. But you provided a pointer-to-index in the call here:
menu(records, userinput, &averageTotal[0]);
Without reading much further, it's clear you need to understand pointers better(or stop typing so fast and understand what you're writing!).
Finally, an actual nit-pick. The function CreateData() should be removed and its use should be replaced by function calls to calloc/malloc() directly.