Search code examples

XML Shredding into SQL Server

I have an XML doc in the following format.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Survey xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Name>US CDB GI MMPS </Name>
  <Vendor Name="TWDS" />
    <Version Name="All Functions Incumbent Weighted Accouting Value" Year="2014">
        <JobMaster JobCode="AAS000-ALL-M1" JobTitle="AAS000 Administrative Services Generalist/Multidiscipline">
            <Level LevelCode="M1">
                <JobDetail Scope="Global Revenue">
                    <PayComponent Id="1" Name="Base" CompanyCount="16" IncumbentCount="281" IsPercent="false">
                        <Pay Id="100" Stat="Average" Value="65.6">
                        <Pay Id="10" Stat="P10" Value="41">
                        <Pay Id="25" Stat="P25" Value="51.6">
                        <Pay Id="101" Stat="Median" Value="66.3">
                        <Pay Id="75" Stat="P75" Value="74.2">
                        <Pay Id="90" Stat="P90" Value="89.5">
        <Report Id="0" Name="standard" Type="Published" DatePublished="2015-04-06T14:29:52.7826312-07:00">
          <JobDetails />

It is much larger, but this is the format. I want to dump these records into a denormalized table, containing everything from the Survey Name through Pay StatValue. I have tried many variations of the following script, but I can only correctly retrieve the Name of the Survey. Sometimes I can get the Survey Name and all StatValues concatenated as a string, all in one field like this.. US CDB GI MMPS BaseAverageP10P25MedianP75P90, and it is not useful or expected. Anyway, here is the script I'm using

DECLARE @myXML xml = (SELECT XMLData from XMLTest)
T.C.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(255)') as Surveys--,
--T.C.value('JobCode[1]','varchar(255)') as JobCode
FROM @myXML.nodes('(/Survey)') as T(C)

-------------DOESN'T WORK-------------------------
DECLARE @myXML xml = (SELECT XMLData from XMLTest)
T.C.value('Name[1]','varchar(255)') as VendorName
FROM @myXML.nodes('(/Survey/Vendor)') as T(C)


  • Here's an idea for you. I've tried to shred data for some and you can do it for others.

    DECLARE @myXML xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Survey xmlns:xsi=""     xmlns:xsd="">
      <Name>US CDB GI MMPS </Name>
      <Vendor Name="TWDS" />
    <Version Name="All Functions Incumbent Weighted Accouting Value" Year="2014">
        <JobMaster JobCode="AAS000-ALL-M1" JobTitle="AAS000 Administrative Services Generalist/Multidiscipline">
            <Level LevelCode="M1">
                <JobDetail Scope="Global Revenue">
                    <PayComponent Id="1" Name="Base" CompanyCount="16" IncumbentCount="281" IsPercent="false">
                        <Pay Id="100" Stat="Average" Value="65.6">
                        <Pay Id="10" Stat="P10" Value="41">
                        <Pay Id="25" Stat="P25" Value="51.6">
                        <Pay Id="101" Stat="Median" Value="66.3">
                        <Pay Id="75" Stat="P75" Value="74.2">
                        <Pay Id="90" Stat="P90" Value="89.5">
        <Report Id="0" Name="standard" Type="Published" DatePublished="2015-04-06T14:29:52.7826312-07:00">
          <JobDetails />
       DECLARE @docH INT;
        EXEC [sys].[sp_xml_preparedocument] @docH OUTPUT, @myXML;
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENXML(@docH,    '/Survey/Versions/Version/JobMasters/JobMaster/Levels/Level/JobDetails/JobDetail/PayComponents/PayComponent/Pays/Pay', 3)
     WITH (Stat nvarchar(50) '@Stat',
      Value DECIMAL '@Value',
      Id INT    '@Id',
      PayComponentName NVARCHAR(50) '../../@Name',
      PayComponentId int '../../@Id',
      JobDetailScope NVARCHAR(20) '../../../../@Scope'
     EXEC [sys].[sp_xml_removedocument] @docH