I cannot produce this output with simple form:
%input#checkbox1{:checked => "checked", :type => "checkbox", :value => "1"}/
%label{:for => "checkbox1"} Keep Me Signed in
My current wrapper:
config.wrappers :inline_checkbox, :tag => 'div', :class => 'checkbox check-default', :error_class => 'error' do |b|
b.use :html5
b.use :label_input, :wrap_with => { :class => 'checkbox inline' }
I accidently overlooked the following:
# Define the way to render check boxes / radio buttons with labels.
# Defaults to :nested for bootstrap config.
# inline: input + label
# nested: label > input
config.boolean_style = :inline
i had a second initializer... thanks for pointing me in the right direction..
I'm not an expert but keep in mind that :label_input
outputs label
and input
together in default order. Maybe you should try:
config.wrappers :inline_checkbox, :tag => 'div', :class => 'checkbox check-default', :error_class => 'error' do |b|
b.use :html5
b.use :input
b.use :label