I know that you can customize the tickHeight on rating scales in Psychopy. I want to have two different tickHeights. here's a rough sketch:
is this possible? and if so, how do I do it?
This is the code for the rating scale that I have so far:
myRatingScale = visual.RatingScale(myWin, precision=10, showValue=True, low = 1, high = 10, scale ="", tickHeight=5)
It is possible but not easy. If you have a rating scale rs
like this:
rs = visual.RatingScale( ... lots of parameters here ...)
you can create a new line with whatever tick marks as a set of vertices, and then do
newVertices = [ [x1,y1], .... [xn,yn] ] # many x,y points -- all up to you
And only then draw the rating scale. I have not tested this but think it will work (or something similar will).