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How to order translated with not translated fields using doctrine knp translatable extentions with A2lix translation form?

I'm searching for a simple way to edit translated fields within a symfony2 form. I'm using the doctrine knp translatable extentions for translation of the entity. The form mixes not translated with translated properties in a special order. The form should be displayed (end edit) only in the active language. For example:

    'property_path' => 'translations[de].translate1',
    'property_path' => 'translations[de].translate2',

If the language translations[de] does not exists i get an error: "Cannot read property "translate1" from an array... "

A2LiX Translation Form is not the solution, because it displays all translatabe fields in a single list.

Any ideas?


  • If you need to display the form fields in a specific order (using A2lix) you can do it like in this example:

         ->add('translations', 'a2lix_translations', [
             'required_locales' => ['de'], <-- your current locale
                 'fields'           => [
                     'translate1' => [
                         # your field options
                     'translate2' => [
                         # your field options

    Then in the view:

    {% import "A2lixTranslationFormBundle::macros.html.twig" as a2lixTranslations %}
    {{ form_errors(form_edit) }}
    {{ form_start(form_edit) }}
    {{ form_row(form_edit.key) }}    
    {{ a2lixTranslations.partialTranslations(form_edit.translations, ['translate1']) }}
    {{ form_row(form_edit.mynumber) }}
    {{ a2lixTranslations.partialTranslations(form_edit.translations, ['translate2']) }}
    {{ form_end(form_edit) }}