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Export layers as obj from Rhino3d

The task

Export layers as obj files from Rhino.

The issue

When using Python scripting, I run an export command. Instead of exporting the model, a dialog is presented in the interface. If I click the export interface, it works fine. However it brings up the dialog box for every layer. I have many many layers though and I would like to automate the entire export process.

The end goal is to display the obj files in webGL via three.js.

I am new to Python and Rhino, but know PHP and JavaScript, so I understand the concepts well enough and have watched a few tutorials on Python so I can begin working on this script.

What I have tried

I am using Rhino, Atom/Python.

import scriptcontext
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
from Rhino.Geometry import Point3d

def layerNames(sort=False):
    rc = []
    for layer in scriptcontext.doc.Layers:
        if not layer.IsDeleted: rc.append(layer.FullPath)
    if sort: rc.sort()
    return rc


strPath = rs.DocumentPath()
strName = rs.DocumentName()

arrLayers = layerNames(False)
for layerName in arrLayers:
    objs = scriptcontext.doc.Objects.FindByLayer(layerName)
    rs.Command("_-Export "+layerName+".obj", False) 


I was thinking of using python native file saving (open("layername.json", "a"). The thought is to somehow get the mesh from the objects in each layer, convert that to three.js json and use that instead. But I don't know how to get a mesh from a layer. I have imported Rhino.Geometry to see if it was helpful. I don't know how to find a mesh to convert, or if I can somehow use the native export command in an automated fashion and just use obj files.


  • Here is the final script which exports dae, obj and stl. The settings in place are fairly aggressive polygon reductions. Adjust angle and density to change that.

    I discovered that you need to set the density to zero before setting it to another value which solved a polygon count issue in the mesh conversion.

    Also available on gist.

    import os
    import scriptcontext
    import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
    print "//export run started/////////////"
    # this function via mcneel/rhinoscriptsyntax
    def layerNames(sort=False):
        rc = []
        for layer in scriptcontext.doc.Layers:
            if not layer.IsDeleted: rc.append(layer.FullPath)
        if sort: rc.sort()
        return rc
    def GetDAESettings():
        e_str = ""
        return e_str
    def GetOBJSettings():
        e_str = "_Geometry=_Mesh "
        e_str+= "_EndOfLine=CRLF "
        e_str+= "_ExportRhinoObjectNames=_ExportObjectsAsOBJGroups "
        e_str+= "_ExportMeshTextureCoordinates=_Yes "
        e_str+= "_ExportMeshVertexNormals=_No "
        e_str+= "_CreateNGons=_No "
        e_str+= "_ExportMaterialDefinitions=_No "
        e_str+= "_YUp=_No "
        e_str+= "_WrapLongLines=Yes "
        e_str+= "_VertexWelding=_Welded "
        e_str+= "_WritePrecision=4 "
        e_str+= "_Enter "
        e_str+= "_DetailedOptions "
        e_str+= "_JaggedSeams=_No "
        e_str+= "_PackTextures=_No "
        e_str+= "_Refine=_Yes "
        e_str+= "_SimplePlane=_No "
        e_str+= "_AdvancedOptions "
        e_str+= "_Angle=50 "
        e_str+= "_AspectRatio=0 "
        e_str+= "_Distance=0.0"
        e_str+= "_Density=0 "
        e_str+= "_Density=0.45 "
        e_str+= "_Grid=0 "
        e_str+= "_MaxEdgeLength=0 "
        e_str+= "_MinEdgeLength=0.0001 "
        e_str+= "_Enter _Enter"
        return e_str
    def GetSTLSettings():
        eStr = "_ExportFileAs=_Binary "
        eStr+= "_ExportUnfinishedObjects=_Yes "
        eStr+= "_UseSimpleDialog=_No "
        eStr+= "_UseSimpleParameters=_No "
        eStr+= "_Enter _DetailedOptions "
        eStr+= "_JaggedSeams=_No "
        eStr+= "_PackTextures=_No "
        eStr+= "_Refine=_Yes "
        eStr+= "_SimplePlane=_No "
        eStr+= "_AdvancedOptions "
        eStr+= "_Angle=15 "
        eStr+= "_AspectRatio=0 "
        eStr+= "_Distance=0.01 "
        eStr+= "_Grid=16 "
        eStr+= "_MaxEdgeLength=0 "
        eStr+= "_MinEdgeLength=0.0001 "
        eStr+= "_Enter _Enter"
        return eStr
    settingsList = {
        'GetDAESettings': GetDAESettings,
        'GetOBJSettings': GetOBJSettings,
        'GetSTLSettings': GetSTLSettings
    fileName = rs.DocumentName()
    filePath = rs.DocumentPath().rstrip(fileName)
    arrLayers = layerNames(False)
    def initExportByLayer(fileType="obj", visibleonly=False, byObject=False):
        for layerName in arrLayers:
            layer = scriptcontext.doc.Layers.FindByFullPath(layerName, True)
            if layer >= 0:
                layer = scriptcontext.doc.Layers[layer]
                save = True;
                if visibleonly:
                    if not layer.IsVisible:
                        save = False
                if  rs.IsLayerEmpty(layerName):
                    save = False
                if save:
                    cutName = layerName.split("::")
                    cutName = cutName[len(cutName)-1]
                    objs = scriptcontext.doc.Objects.FindByLayer(cutName)
                    if len(objs) > 0:
                        if byObject:
                            for obj in objs:
                                i= i+1
                                saveObjectsToFile(cutName+"_"+str(i), [obj], fileType)
                            saveObjectsToFile(cutName, objs, fileType)
    def saveObjectsToFile(name, objs, fileType):
        if len(objs) > 0:
            settings = settingsList["Get"+fileType.upper()+"Settings"]()
            for obj in objs:
            name = "".join(name.split(" "))
            command = '-_Export "{}{}{}" {}'.format(filePath, name, "."+fileType.lower(), settings)
            rs.Command(command, True)
    initExportByLayer("obj",True, False)
    initExportByLayer("dae",True, False)
    initExportByLayer("stl",True, False)
    print "//export run ended/////////////"