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Why twitter cursor is null?

I have some tweet id. I want to get retweeters of this tweet. Therefore, I use this api:

There is a example of code written with help python 3 and TwitterAPI:

credentials = "credentials.txt"
o = TwitterOAuth.read_file(credentials)
api = TwitterAPI(o.consumer_key, o.consumer_secret, auth_type='oAuth2')

data = api.request('statuses/retweeters/ids', {'id': "370134917713494016", 'count': 100})

My result is:


I don't understand, why my cursors are null.


  • That's how the API for retweeters works.

    While this method supports the cursor parameter, the entire result set can be returned in a single cursored collection. Using the count parameter with this method will not provide segmented cursors for use with this parameter.

    You can only get a maximum of 100 users out of it. So there's no need for a cursor.