I'm trying to change FSM state in future but i doesn't work.. I think i'm looking for pipeTo like method.
When(State.Waiting) {
case Event(anyMsg, anyData) =>
asyncCode.map(res =>
if (res == 1) {
goto(State.Working) using Data.MyData
} else {
stay() replying "bad response"
goto command gets executed but fsm doesn't change state to State.Working
I found this work around by myself
When(State.Waiting) {
case Event(anyMsg, anyData) =>
asyncCode.map(res =>
if (res == 1) {
self ! "do job"
} else {
stay() replying "bad response"
case Event("do job", anyData) => {
goto(State.Working) using Data.MyData
May be there is a better idea to solve problem
Do not change the state of your actor in the future or anything not inside the main "thread". The correct way to solve your problem is to send a message to self which will just change the state, like
When(State.Waiting) {
case Event(anyMsg, anyData) =>
asyncCode.map(res =>
if (res == 1) {
self ! GoToWorking(Data.MyData)
} else {
self ! Stay
When (State.WaitingForResponse) {
case Event(GoToWorking(data), _) =>
goto(State.Working) using data
case Event(Stay,_) =>