I'm defining custom calabash steps (to use on both iOS and Android) and would like to selectively override various predefined steps. An example is:
Given /^I press the "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |text|
tap_when_element_exists("android.widget.Button {text CONTAINS[c] '#{text}'}")
Instead of using this implementation, I would like to provide my own. If I define and use a step with a matching regex I get an error:
Ambiguous match of "I press the "big red" button"
It also suggests using "--guess" but that didn't help, and I still get the Cucumber::Ambiguous
I could make some arbitrary change to the regex for my step, ex:
I tap the "big red" button
But that feels like a poor solution for a few reasons
error on Android.Is there a way to un-define a built in step? The android canned_step documentation suggests there should be: You can add your own steps or change the ones you see here
I don't want to lose ALL the predefined steps immediately either (ex: not require calabash_steps.rb). I'd rather phase them out only when they become a problem. And I don't want to directly edit the calabash code if I can help it, as that would require rolling my own calabash distro instead of using gem to install it.
I'd rather phase them out only when they become a problem. And I don't want to directly edit the calabash code if I can help it, as that would require rolling my own calabash distro instead of using gem to install it.
In your features/support/env.rb
, replace require calabash-android/cucumber
require 'calabash-android/color_helper'
require 'calabash-android/operations'
Then copy the calabash-android canned steps to a file in your project features/step_definitions/canned_steps.rb
Remove or replace the predefined steps as needed.
And a heads up - we are working on Calabash 2.0: a merge of the iOS and Android APIs. We are talking about removing the pre-defined steps from the new calabash
gem and distributing them as a separate gem. As an example have a look at the way rspec distributes behaviors as separate gems. No decision has been made about this yet.