I've a question in angularjs.
In my controller, I've a comma separated string, and I will show it in my index.html(with ng-repeat)
Here is my controller:
$http.get('/performbatch').success(function(data) {
$scope.string = 'Gzrgh,1,2,1,4,1,1,1,20150304,20180304';
$scope.arrString = new Array();
$scope.arrString = $scope.string.split(',');
Here is my html :
<div ng-controller="TabsDemoCtrl">
<td ng-repeat="icerik in arrString">
But I couldn't achieve that. Can you help me? Thanks in advance.
Here is plunker for you
You need to use track by $index because it is having duplicate value in array.
ng-repeat="icerik in arrString track by $index"