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Movilizer - retrieve current platform

How can I get the information which device the end user is using atm? It would be enough for me to know whether the user is using iOS, Android, etc. I've created a Movelet for testing purposes which connects and reads from a useragent api. But it does not return the expected information.


  • The right MEL method for that task would be

    numeric getClientType()

    Return values are numeric codes that indicate the platform. To list some of them (rest can be found in the documentation):

    • 11 Android
    • 20 WinMobile CF 2.0
    • 21 WinMobile CF 3.5
    • 22 WinPhone 8.0
    • 31 Desktop standard
    • 32 Desktop standard FX
    • 33 Desktop standard native
    • 50 BlackBerry