just a little problem with my program. I have been working in a device application in VS2005 VB.Net. This program will run at my device, that will connect in a bluetooth device. This is the current code:
In the class that handles the event:
Public Class BluetoothDevice : Implements IRFID
'static instance of class
Public Shared _btDevice as BluetoothDevice
Private WithEvents bluetoothDevice as BRIReader
'This is the event handler
Private Sub BluetoothDevice_EventHandlerConnectionStateChanged(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal EvtArgs As EVTADV_DeviceConnectionStateEventArgs) handles bluetoothDevice.EventHandlerDeviceConnectState
Select Case EvtArgs.DeviceConnectState
Case EVTADV_DeviceConnectionStateEventArgs.CONNECTED
RaiseEvent OnReaderConnectionEventChanged(connectionState.Connected)
Case EVTADV_DeviceConnectionStateEventArgs.OFFLINE
RaiseEvent OnReaderConnectionEventChanged(connectionState.Offline)
Case EVTADV_DeviceConnectionStateEventArgs.RECONNECTING
RaiseEvent OnReaderConnectionEventChanged(connectionState.Reconnecting)
End Select
End Sub
End Class
In UI Form that catches the RaiseEvent. This is also the Main Form:
Private Delegate Sub xOnReaderConnectEventChangeHandler(ByVal connState as connectionState)
Private Sub OnReaderConnectEventChangeHandler(ByVal connState as connectionState)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(New xOnReaderConnectEventChangeHandler(AddressOf OnReaderConnectEventChangeHandler), connState)
Select Case connState
Case connectionState.Connected
'_form here is a global object containing the form we ShowDialog()
If _form IsNot Nothing
_form = Nothing
Case connectionState.Offline
'haven't done anything yet
Case connectionState.Reconnecting
'show the form
End Select
End If
End Sub
Now here is the form that will try to reconnect the device. This is form that counts the elapsed time since reconnecting state, and has a "Cancel" button:
Public Class FormReconnect
Private WithEvents _irfid as IRFID
Private Sub FormReconnect_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'form load
'this method returns the instance of BluetoothDevice Class
_irfid = BluetoothDevice.GetInstance()
End Sub
'I also handle the event here since the caller form is not active
'This form SHOULD close when the connection is established
Private Delegate Sub xOnReaderConnectionEventChangeHandler(ByVal connState As connectionState)
Private Sub OnReaderConnectionEventChangeHandler(ByVal connState As connectionState) Handles _irfid.OnReaderConnectionEventChange
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(New xOnReaderConnectionEventChangeHandler(AddressOf OnReaderConnectionEventChangeHandler), connState)
Select Case connState
Case connState.Connected
'I only handle the connected state. If Device is connected, close this form
End Select
End If
End Sub
End Class
The situation is, when the mainform shows, then I remove the battery from the device, their connection state will become offline, then reconnect immediately, then the reconnect form will show. The problem is, when the form reconnect is active through ShowDialog()
method, the Class that handles the event(BluetoothDevice
) will not be triggered, even if the device connect state is already Connected
(shown in the device with a blinking light). It seems that the Form reconnect's ShowDialog()
is blocking the class, because when I press the cancel button, and the form reconnect is closed, BluetoothDevice
's event handler will trigger. What will be the best workaround here? I've tried the Show()
, it triggers the event, but it is handled by both caller and the form reconnect, making the form reconnect close, without showing the main form.
EDIT 1: What I want this to do is, when I ShowDialog()
and the Form Reconnect is active (thus, Form Main is "hidden" under Reconnect), Form Reconnect will handle the event that is being raised in BluetoothDevice
EDIT 2: When Form Reconnect is active. BluetoothDevice
does not raise any event. Think it is being blocked by ShowDialog()
. So, Form Reconnect does not close even the connection state is "Connected".
Use this method.
Upon disconnection, or at the start create a thread and put the show reconnect form (again use singleton pattern for this form too) logic there.
MainForm.getInstance.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Sub()
Dim formReconnect As Form = formReconnect.GetInstance()
If formReconnect.visible = False Then
formReconnect.TopMost = True
End If
End Sub))
Upon reconnecting via the reconnect window invoke the main form and close reconnect form