I'm trying to use cookiecutter-django according to the instructions on github. First of all i created a postgres database by means of docker with:
docker run -p ::5432 \
--name db \
-e POSTGRESQL_DB=hartl \
and it worked fine from terminal.
After this i used the DATABASE_URL as an environment variable, according to the instructions:
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://docker:docker@dbserver_ip:5432/hartl
as my variable is postgres://docker:docker@dbserver_ip:5432/hartl.
BUT when i try:
python myapp/manage.py migrate
i'm having this error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing module dj_database_url: "No module named dj_database_url"
what can be wrong?
Just a problem with pip. After installing all dependencies, everything is working fine.