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Generate identical random numbers in R and Julia

I'd like to generate identical random numbers in R and Julia. Both languages appear to use the Mersenne-Twister library by default, however in Julia 1.0.0:

julia> using Random
julia> Random.seed!(3)
julia> rand()

Produces 0.811..., while in R:


produces 0.168.

Any ideas?

Related SO questions here and here.

My use case for those who are interested: Testing new Julia code that requires random number generation (e.g. statistical bootstrapping) by comparing output to that from equivalent libraries in R.


  • That is an old problem.

    Paul Gilbert addressed the same issue in the late 1990s (!!) when trying to assert that simulations in R (then then newcomer) gave the same result as those in S-Plus (then the incumbent).

    His solution, and still the golden approach AFAICT: re-implement in fresh code in both languages as the this the only way to ensure identical seeding, state, ... and whatever else affects it.