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Pivotal Tracker API epics

I'm currently putting together a dashboard for my team to display a number of pivotal tracker stats at a glance. I'm trying to implement a widget right now displays stats for stories on an epic-specific basis, but I don't see anything in the pivotal tracker api documentation for this. Does anyone know a way to select stories on the basis of the epic using the pivotal tracker api for ruby?


  • So I was able to figure something out using two different methods. Whichever you use just depends on how you want to display your information.

    Method One

    @project = PivotalTracker::Project.find(your_project_id)
    epicList = @project.stories.all(:labels => "your_epic_label")

    Method Two

    @project = PivotalTracker::Project.find(your_project_id)
    @current = PivotalTracker::Iteration.current(@project)
    epicList ={ |s| s.labels.include? "your_epic_label"}