I am trying to create a screen where scrolling is required in iphone 3.5 inch screen . I have attached images which contain the configuration of uiviewcontroller , uiscrollview , uiview . The problem is eventhough the height seems to increase , when i run iPhone 4s , some part of scroll is hidden beyond the UIView (Although uiview height shows 700 when i print the height in console) . What might be the problem ? Please help me ?
Thanks for the information and suggestions . Now it is working correctly . What i did is
set scroll view top ,left , right , bottom aligned to superview
Set content view of scroll view to top , left , right , bottom aligned to scrollview
set the content view of the scroll view to "Equal Heights" and "Equal widths" to the top superview.
Then i set the equal height constraint to have low priority of 250
Now i can scroll whenever required based on the size of the phone screen :)