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Mysql Update 2 columns from 2 different tables with extra condition

I want to update two different columns from two different tables in mysql. This is the brief version of what I want to do.

In more detail I want to update a column from table 1 only if a condition is true. Otherwise I want to update a other column from table 1.

The same I want to do for table 2 and this should be all done in a single UPDATE statement.

I tried something like this:

UPDATE `grouped_messages`
JOIN `messages` ON (`messages`.group_msg_id = 1) SET 
(CASE WHEN(`grouped_messages`.`conversation_partner1`=10) THEN `grouped_messages`.`deletion_status_partner1`=1
WHEN(`grouped_messages`.`conversation_partner2`=10) THEN `grouped_messages`.`deletion_status_partner2`=1 END),
(CASE WHEN(`messages`.`from`=10) THEN `messages`.`deletion_status_from`=1 
WHEN(`messages`.`to`=10) THEN `messages`.`deletion_status_to`=1 END);

but this is not working. Does anybody know a solution, which would work for my case?


  • You can't do an assignment within a CASE expression. Your SET clause is invalid. It needs to be SET column = expression.

    To have the column conditionally updated; that is, to have the column not updated, have the expression return the current value of the column.

    Let's use an alias of g for grouped_messages.

    When the condition you are checking is true, you want the SET clause to be equivalent to:

    SET g.deletion_status_partner1 = 1

    When the condition is not true, you want to assign the current value of the column to itself, so the SET clause to equivalent to:

    SET g.deletion_status_partner1 = g.deletion_status_partner1

    To get that, you could do something like this:

     SET g.deletion_status_partner1
         = CASE WHEN g.conversation_partner1 = 10
           THEN 1
           ELSE g.deletion_status_partner1 -- existing column value

    To modify an additional column, you'd need to add to the SET clause

       , g.deletion_status_partner2
         = CASE WHEN some_other_condition
           THEN new_value
           ELSE g.deletion_status_partner2 -- existing column value

    (I haven't checked anything else in your statement; I only highlight the most obvious issue, and how to get an update statement to do "conditional" assignment.)