I´m migrating a database from SQLITE to Firebird, but now my query doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a reason?
frmDados.Clientes.SQL.Text :=
'WHERE (nomecliente like :d1) '+
'order by nomecliente asc';
frmDados.Clientes.Params.ParamByName('d1').AsString := '%' + Edit1.text + '%';
Firebird dose not support case insensitive queries.
Consider these options
select * from "abc_table" where "Some_Field" = 'Abc'
select * from "abc_table" where "Some_Field" like 'Abc'
select * from "abc_table" where "Some_Field" containing 'Abc'
select * from "abc_table" where upper("Some_Field") = 'ABC'
Equals (=) and *like * both perform case sensitive matches
*containing * is case insensitive, but will also match 'abcd'
upper() works, but will not use an index and, therefore, will read every record in the table
Equals (=) is the fastest because it uses an index (if available)