I'm trying to split a string into only two parts where the delimiter character can occur multiple times.
The code below doesn't work as I'm not allowed to specify a limit option:
Dim output = input.Split("=", 1)
Any ideas?
You can use the String.Split(Char[], Int32, StringSplitOptions) overload.
Notice that the first parameter is a Char
array, not a single character. The second parameter enables you to specify the maximum number of substrings to return.
Option Strict On
Important: You should always have the strict compiler option set to On.
Dim input As String = "aaaa=bbbb=cccc=dddd"
Dim separators As Char() = { "="c }
Dim count As Integer = 2
Dim options As StringSplitOptions = StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries
Dim output As String() = input.Split(separators, count, options)
For Each part As String In output
string input = "aaaa=bbbb=cccc=dddd";
char[] separators = new[] { '=' };
int count = 2;
StringSplitOptions options = StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries;
string[] output = input.Split(separators, count, options);
foreach (string part in output)
This will return an array containing two elements: