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How to detect data types from string?

There is a pseudocode:

s = input()

if s == 'int':
if s == 'char':
and there're more if blocks

How can I write code that can do this without any if. Like code below:

s = input()
func<s>(...) #auto detect type in s

I need a solution in C++.


  • Although this is not directly possible with templated functions, I recommend a table lookup of std::string vs. function pointer.

    For example:

    typedef void (*Function_Pointer_Type)(void);  
    struct Table_Entry
      char const * data_type_name;
      Function_Pointer_Type data_type_function;
    void Process_Int(void);
    void Process_Double(void);
    static const Table_Entry data_type_function_table[] =
      {"int", Process_Int},
      {"double", Process_Double},
    static const unsigned int number_of_data_types =
      sizeof(data_type_function_table) / sizeof(data_type_function_table[0]);
    // ...
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_of_data_types; ++i)
      if (s == data_type_function_table[i].data_type_name)

    Another method is to use std::map<std::string, Function_Pointer_Type>. The map must be initialized before it is used. The static, constant table doesn't need to be initialized at runtime.