Very simple operation. I have a file that contains a table made of N rows and 6 columns, and I would like to load it in a table in my Torch / Lua script.
The data file looks this way:
chromNameA startA endA chromNameB startB endB
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16669675 16678717
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16685348 16701095
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16723869 16739035
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16748016 16750787
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16750788 16755877
And I would like to load it in a table, where for example table[1][2]
contains 16867980
and so on.
How could I do it? Thanks
You can use string.match
to parse individual line into a table and use io.lines
to iterate over lines in the file:
-- script.lua
local t, patt = {}, ("(%w+)%s+"):rep(5).."(%w+)"
for line in io.lines() do
if not line:find("^chromNameA") then
table.insert(t, {line:match(patt)})
print(#t, t[1][1], t[1][6]) -- prints `5 chr22 16678717`
-- file.txt
chromNameA startA endA chromNameB startB endB
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16669675 16678717
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16685348 16701095
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16723869 16739035
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16748016 16750787
chr22 16867980 16868130 chr22 16750788 16755877
-- execution: lua script.lua <file.txt
You can then start the script as lua script.lua <file.txt
and it should produce a table with the structure you want.