I found a great example on grabbing facet counts on a base query. It stores the bitarray of the base query to improve the performance each time the a facet gets counted.
var genreQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("genre", genre));
var genreQueryFilter = new QueryFilter(genreQuery);
BitArray genreBitArray = genreQueryFilter.Bits(searcher.GetIndexReader());
Console.WriteLine("There are " + GetCardinality(genreBitArray) + " document with the genre " + genre);
// Next perform a regular search and get its BitArray result
Query searchQuery = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(term, new[] {"title", "description"}, new[] {BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD}, new StandardAnalyzer());
var searchQueryFilter = new QueryFilter(searchQuery);
BitArray searchBitArray = searchQueryFilter.Bits(searcher.GetIndexReader());
Console.WriteLine("There are " + GetCardinality(searchBitArray) + " document containing the term " + term);
The only problem is that I am using a newer version of Lucene.NET (2.9) and Filter.Bits is obsolete. We are told to use DocIdSet instead (rather than BitArray).
I cannot found out how to do the bitArray.And(bitArray) with a docIdSet. I looked in reflector and found OpenIdSet which has And operations. Not sure if OpenIdSet is the route to go, I'm just stating.
Thanks in advance!
Found it out.
var productsDISI = new OpenBitSetDISI(productResults.Iterator(), 25000);
var termQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("Spec" + expectedFacet.SpecificationId, expectedFacet.SpecificationOptionId.ToString()));
var termQueryFilter = new QueryWrapperFilter(termQuery);
var termIterator = termQueryFilter.GetDocIdSet(productReader).Iterator();
var total = productsDISI.Cardinality();
turns out to be much faster too.