I want to get notified whenever the user clicks the "Cities" checkbox in the layer controls - which shows or hides the city markers in the linked example. Here is a JSFiddle to play around with.
I saw that LayerGroup derives some events from FeatureGroup. Please correct me if I am wrong: As far as I understand showing and hiding the markers is not the same as layeradd and layerremove?!
The input
element holds no id
to bind to:
<input class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" type="checkbox" checked="">
<span> Cities</span>
How can I be notified when the markers' visibility is toggled?
You could use jQuery to select the input element, using its class:
Furthermore, if you have more than one layer, you can check if the map contains one layer when you click one of the checkboxes.
if(map.hasLayer(cities)) alert('something');
You can also use map events overlayadd and overlayremove, like this:
overlayadd: function(e) {
if (e.name === 'Cities') alert('added');
overlayremove: function(e) {
if (e.name === 'Cities') alert('removed');
Here's an updated JSFiddle of your example: http://jsfiddle.net/pufanalexandru/g54efr69/1/